Girls Inc. Friendly PEERsuasion

Girls Inc. Friendly PEERsuasion develops the skills of girls ages 11 to 14 to resist pressure to use harmful substances, such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and household chemicals. Friendly PEERsuasion targets the years during which girls begin to more fully experience and respond to influence and pressure from their peers to participate in risky behaviours.


Why is a substance use prevention program for girls important?

Girls deserve healthy environments in which to flourish, but too often face pressures that thwart their ability to make smart choices concerning the use of legal and illicit substances. Girls often are induced to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to become or stay slim, manage stress, appear mature, be popular with peers, or escape overwhelming problems. Because many of these pressures are more prevalent for girls than boys, standard prevention programs may not be effective for girls.

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Girls Inc. Friendly PEERsuasion Key Learning Outcomes

  • Understand why it is important to speak clearly and listen carefully.
  • To recognize and manage stress in a healthy way.
Peer and Media Pressure
  • To resist negative pressure from peers, the media, and other sources.
Refusal Skills:
  • To refuse to participate in dangerous behaviors while still maintaining friendships.
  • To recognize the ways in which different substances affect a person (tobacco, alcohol, over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs).
The Future
  • Understand how substance abuse can affect a girl’s life, presently and in the future.
Leadership Skills
  • Being a PEERsuader enables participants to develop strong leadership skills to help others avoid substance abuse.

For more information contact Girls Inc of Northern Alberta, call: 780-790-9236 or email: