The Women of Inspiration series, presented by Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta and Syncrude, has recognized twelve amazing women, who make the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) a great place to live, work and raise families.
The goal of the series is to honour women who have contributed countless efforts to their community and have inspired other women and girls to do the same. These women truly embody the Girls Inc. mantra of Strong, Smart & Bold.
As part of the Women of Inspiration series, Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta will provide three $5000 education awards to a female student, or students, from the RMWB for the pursuit of post-secondary education at a recognized post-secondary institution.
The award will be provided to a student pursuing studies in university, colleges or technical/trades schools and will be given based on financial need, academic achievement and extracurricular and community involvement.
Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta Executive Director, Ann Dort MacLean, said, “We are proud to offer this education award as part of our Women of Inspiration program. The program is all about women who drive positive change and embody the Girls Inc. mantra of Strong, Smart and Bold, and we believe education is a key component in that. We hope that through this education award we can help someone fulfill their potential and become their own woman of inspiration.”
A selection committee comprised of Girls Inc. Board members and staff will evaluate applications and will select award recipients based on financial need, academic performance and potential and extracurricular and community involvement. Deadline for applications is June 30th.
For information on award criteria and guidelines, and to download an application form, visit this page here. Prospective applicants can also contact the Girls Inc. office at 780-790-9236 for further information.
For more information, please contact:
Ann Dort-MacLean
Executive Director, Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta