Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta’s 2nd Woman of Inspiration 2017-2018 Presented by Syncrude Announced

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July 2017

(Fort McMurray) Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta and Syncrude are proud to announce the 2nd nominee for the Women of Inspiration Series 2017-2018:

Kim Conway

Ms. Conway was born and raised in Gander, a small community in central Newfoundland. After graduating high school Kim left home to attend university in St. Johns. Kim worked to pay her way through university and upon graduation, she did what any adventurous young woman do – she headed west.

In 2000 Ms. Conway obtained employment at Suncor as a lab technician.  She quickly became involved with her union as both a Safety Rep and as a Union Steward.  Kim found being a female union representative a challenge and one she rose to.  She found her passion for defending the workers in her area and excelled in the safety arena.  She made the leap to a union wide position of Vice Safety Chair and eventually became the safety chair within the local.

Educating the members on their rights and responsibilities, Kim works tirelessly to ensure everyone goes home safe each and every day.  Ms. Conway has represented workers on the Alberta Federation of Labours’ review of the Worker Composition and OH&S Act.

In 2004 Ms. Conway was elected chair of the Unifor Energy Council that represents 14,000 workers across Canada within the energy sector.  As well she sits on the health and safety committee of Unifor Prairie region.

Kim has excelled as a female in a male dominated work place.  She has earned the respect of her fellow union members.  Her passion for advocating for fairness and safety within and without the work site is evident in all that she does.  She has a steely determination in doing well whatever comes her way. Kim brings her compassion to her home life and is raising her 12 year old son Jayden to be a respectful young man with a drive to excel at whatever task he takes on.

Ms. Conway is a wonderful example that a young woman can dream big and with drive and determination she can succeed in whatever she tackles.  She is a positive role model to young girls and woman, encouraging them to not let barriers stop them or slow them down.  She, by example demonstrates that by having a sense of adventure and determination and passion anything is possible.

Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta and Syncrude will honour Kim and 11 other nominees, at the Women of Inspiration Celebration which will take place in June, 2018.

The Women of Inspiration is a partnership between Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta and Syncrude, with a goal to recognize women throughout the Wood Buffalo region who inspire others, break new ground or old barriers and help create change.  The series also aims to show local girls positive role models who live right here.

To nominate a woman of inspiration, please visit our website at or contact the Girls Inc. office at 780-790-9236.

For more information, please contact:

Ann Dort-MacLean
Executive Director – Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta
Phone: 780-790-9236

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