Girls Inc. Sporting Chance

Girls Inc. aims to make sports an integral part of girls’ lives and recognizes that girls have much to gain by early and sustained participation in sports.

Sports participation helps lower the risk of obesity and of associated diseases, decreases feelings of anxiety and depression, and may help students focus in the classroom, increasing time spent on tasks and grades. In addition, girls’ participation in sports has been shown to decrease risky behaviours, including delaying the initiation and frequency of sexual intercourse and reducing the likelihood of a female adolescent getting pregnant.

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Girls Inc of Northern Alberta

Research shows that physical activity declines among young people as they move from childhood through the teen years, with girls falling further behind boys in every age group.

In fact, in a 2015 national survey, only about 17% of high school girls indicated they exercised for the recommended amount of time each day in the week before the survey.


Girls at Bat

Our Girls at Bat program is offered in two groups: Ages 6-8 and 9-12.

The program is Jays Care's girls-only baseball program co-designed and delivered in partnership with Plan International Canada.

It weaves fun and challenging baseball drills and skills with vital self-esteem, team-building and personal health activities to ensure that all participants gain far more than baseball skills.

Read more. 


Girls Inc. Run Club

Run Club is offered in two age groups: 9-12 years old and 13-15 years old.

The focus of the Girls Inc. Run Club is to give girls an environment where they can build their self-esteem, develop healthy body images (zero talk of weight loss or dieting) and have open discussions on such topics as running technique, how to deal with stress, and the benefits of eating healthy and physical activity.

All fitness levels are welcome.

Read more. 

As Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta uses a holistic approach to healthy living and wellbeing, these programs may also contain components of our Mind+Body program.

For more information contact Girls Inc of Northern Alberta, call: 780-790-9236 or email: